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Nordic Mist's Salt Water Pearl "Gretta"

"Kona" Ella's son (Gretta & Galin brother)
Owned by Steve & Cathy
"Porter" my little buddy.
(Norwich Terrier)

Elma of the Thatch Roof "Embra"

CH Flying Cloud'd Pooh Bear "Pooh"

"Marker" owned by Steve & Cathy

Nordic Mist’s T’s High Jinks, CGC, CD "TJ"

Int Ch Black Watch Bella’s Steppin Out Fisher’s daughter. Bred & owned by Robin.

Nordic Mist's Snowshoes "Toots"

Ch Pt'd Flying Cloud's August Moon NM

Ch Topmast’s Callisto Jonas Lyle’s Father owned & shown by Trudy MacGregor.

"Cordia" & "Fisher"

"Ponder" daughter

"Stella" X "Vergel" litter Fisher is in there somewhere.

"Kraken" puppies
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